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Email Reminders



  • There are email templates within the MacBraces software which can be customized according to your “taste”
  • These templates are then synched/uploaded to dandrewWeb where they are used when your patients are reminded of their appointment
  • You decide when the email is sent, e.g., one day before the appointment, etc
  • Birthday Reminders

    The birthday reminder templates are likewise created within MacBraces then “sent” to dandrewWeb to be used when the birth date of the patient is triggered.


Online Payments


  • Guarantors can login and make a payment to their own accounts
  • Office Administrators and the Office Super Administrator can login and make a payment to any account


Online Book

Office Administrators can view and interact with the online Book— this means make and edit appointments.

Patients, guarantors and referring doctors do NOT have access to the Book.

For more information on who has access to what, see XXX